Effects of Harmonics for power factor correction Capacitor Banks
Do the harmonics in your distribution system is a potential threat for your capacitor bank? Yes. When a capacitor bank is installed in a harmonic rich environment, they create a low impedance path and magnify the magnitude of current and voltage harmonics in a system resulting in parallel resonant effect.

Why a surge protective device required?
As the name suggests, Surge Protective Devices are used to protect the Electrical Installations from transient over voltages what we called as voltage surges. These transient over voltages are defined as electrical surges lasts for short duration occurred due to sudden release of energy which is previously stored or induced

Capacitor Banks Do Need Maintenance
There is a norm that since capacitor banks are static type electrical equipment, regular maintenance is not required. But capacitors need to be monitored and maintained regularly. The unawareness and the negligence of the users may leads to reduce the life expectancy or failures of the capacitors which would cause

Temperature Rise During Short Circuit
During a short circuit there will be electromagnetic forces which determine the required busbar size and the support size. In addition to that we need to be careful about the extreme overheating of the busbars due to the high current, which leads to softening of the material and damage to

Powder coating is a method of coating a substrate in a polymer powder via directional spray equipment. In this method, the powder is carried out of the spray equipment with low pressure air and the Spray gun applies an electrostatic charge to the powder particles, which are then attracted to

Service Condition Monitoring System for Low Voltage Electrical Panels
For low voltage electrical panels, it is very important to know the service condition to Plan/conduct appropriate maintenance schedules. Operating temperature, relative humidity, and the operating frequency of the circuit breaker are the key factors to be monitored. In this research paper, the author describes how to use his

Environmental factors – Corrosion free Sheet metal Enclosures
Did you ever speak to your switchboard design team whether they are considering the panel location and environmental conditions when selecting the sheet metal enclosures for your Switchboards? Whether you are using Unibody or Modular enclosure, this is an important question. Take a little time to read below

Temperature Rise in Electrical panel boards
METHOD TO ASSESS THE TEMPERATURE RISE INSIDE A LOW VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD INTRODUCTION In order to assess the temperature rise of the air inside the low voltage panel board, a method is proposed in IEC 60890 ( A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (

Maintaining the Reliability of an Electrical System for Fire Pumps
Abstract – Protection from fire hazards is a combined effort of studying and practicing the techniques which are used to mitigate the destructive effects of an unintended fire in a property. In order to minimize the damage created by these fire hazards, the protection system should proviron mily sport rolo high be erected

Remote Monitoring and Analyzing of Low Voltage Distribution System
Electricity distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electricity from generating power plants to end users. A distribution system’s network carries electricity from the transmission system and delivers its load centers. It is the most visible part of the power supply chain, and as such the most exposed

Minimizing the Effects of Electrical Arc Fault in an Installation
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the electric arc faults which can be originated in electrical devices such as electrical panel boards. There are many codes and standards which are used to define the constraints that an installation should maintained to minimize the severity, frequency and harmfulness of an

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